So, my mom is getting married today. Last night was spent doing the old "dry run" also known as the "wedding rehearsal." The evening was pretty much consumed with wedding talk. etc. Of course I knew that the Red Sox had an opportunity to clinch last night, so I did my part by preoccupying myself with other things. It worked. I recieved a call from Jere just before the O's won their game. We tuned in. We cried. We swooned. It was a glorious night. Congratulations, Red Sox!
Jere's mom suspects that my mother and her fiance had something to do with this. Perhaps they greased a few palms to ensure that no one at the wedding would be wondering about the outcome of today's games. You might be on to something, Mary-Ann.
As of 5 PM, I will be forfeiting my only child status, a badge proudly worn for nearly 36 years. I will suddenly have a step-brother and 3 step-sisters. And a really sweet step-dad. By the way, what does the "step" refer to?
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