... and so little time. I've been working on Stella Marie stuff, pretty much non-stop, for several weeks. I am doing my first spa night this weekend. Wish me luck! If you are curious about my new products, please check them out
here or
here. Also, check out
a little vid I made of my appearance at the New England Motor Cycle Expo! (update: see
this post for a pic from the spa night - it was very successful!)
Moving on.
We went to Cooperstown last weekend to check out the new and exciting 2007 Boston Red Sox World Champion Display. Awesome. I wonder what young Jacoby and Dustin are thinking now that they've wound up in the museum (I think Jacoby could someday find himself inducted - the dude is
special, to use one of Francona's favorite descriptors). I can't imagine what kind of feeling that must be. Meanwhile, I noticed that Suzyn Waldman got a ton of coverage in the Women's section and she's never played a game of professional baseball in her life! What's the deal? She's not even a very good color commentator. So, when real players were trying to bust into this male-dominated sport, she was singing and acting in musical theater. I totally LOVE theater, don't get me wrong, but why does she garner so much praise and attention? Most of the old-timey ball players got tiny blurbs and they were the real pioneers of female participation!
I started a fitness regime in preparation for softball, as I mentioned previously. You may or may not remember, but I blew out my quads last year (very early on) and was forced to be catcher and have pinch runners all season long. It was fun, but I'd rather play second base and be able to run out a hit without crying in pain.

I've been meaning to mention a really cool art exhibit that a good and talented friend of mine, Katherine Martin Widmer, participated in. It is called War, Madness and Delusion and it is at the Andover Newton Theological School in Newton, MA until April 15th. It was a very powerful anti-war show and if you are in the area, I highly recommend that you check it out. One of the cool things about it is that fact that you not only get to see the work and the artist's name, but you get a small written piece by the artist about the work and their general concept and feelings. While I understand the value of interpreting someone's work yourself, I can appreciate - within this particular context - knowing more about the the artist's perspective an thought-process. This is a multi-media show, with 30 or so participating artists.
* Image: "Atomic Veteran" by Bob Stearns
Labels: Frostbite Softball, Soap