Saturday, November 10, 2007


We went to see the Celtics play last night.


I don't really want to call myself a fair weather fan, even though this was my first ever Celtics game. I have been trying for the past 2 seasons to get myself more involved in basketball, but baseball somehow becomes all-consuming. Even during the off-season. But, geez, with Kevin Garnett it's impossible not to watch the Celtics play and feel totally and utterly satisfied. I am now torn between a Garnett jersey or a House (as in Eddie "The House is on Fire" House - I've just learned his nickname) jersey. I think I'm going with House because he's just slightly lesser known. They both kicked serious ass last night, though.

The Garden is a pretty awesome place. I'm not used to so much technology during a sporting event. And yes, I am a total sucker for the cheesy movie clips and old Auerbach footage. One of the biggest perks of the Garden is that you can get a friggin' clam roll! And I did! I also was asked if I wanted merlot or cabernet when I ordered a glass of red. A choice? Amazing. It was like being at Camden Yards. We've got one more game scheduled, but I want to try to get tickets for more. The only downer was having to inhale the wafts of horrible cologne emitted by the gentleman in front of us. Pee-u!

The C's are currently the only undefeated team in the NBA.



Blogger Michael Leggett said...

Have him Wash With The Lemongrass Salt Mixture:

I miss The Red Sox, already;

There's always a feeling that comes over me when @ Fenway Park, which I was at, TWICE this Season & I live in the Borough of Queens;

I feel as if I was @ a Real, Classic Park & NOT a Nouveau-Retro #;

I feel like I was in the "Borough Of Brooklyn, before 1957", which I never knew. Riding the "T Trolleys" gives me that "Brooklyn Feeling";

I never met any "Casual Fan Arsecaps" in Fenway, unlike some of the Bloholes In Shea Stadium in Queens, due to be reduced to a pile of rubble, not unlike that "Toilet" in The Bronx

November 11, 2007 at 2:10 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I know, I get sad when baseball ends, too. Winning the World Series helps a lot, though :)

I have yet to go to Yankee stadium. I'm afraid that someone with throw batteries at my head if I show up with Red Sox gear.

November 12, 2007 at 3:48 AM  

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