Week Off Pics
This place is on Comm Ave. I didn't realize it existed until the other day. The name of my old college a cappella punk band was Ankara2. So, if we are ever in the mood for Turkish delights, I suppose we could patron this new joint. [It is right near where Deli Haus used to be.] Incidentally, no Mr. Butch memorials in the Kenmore Square area. Not as of yet, anyway.

Danzig's Simmons Impression
New Shirt. Purchased so that I may represent.
New painting I am working on - by no means done. I've got more scumbling to do.
We finally painted our dining room table...
...and the bureau...
..to match the comforter.
Artbeat, Somerville's annual arts festival, takes place over the weekend. Always a delight.
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